It is warm! Keep the fans on and the water pouring. Here are some great ways to increase water consumption during this beautiful, hot weather we are having:
- Keep two pitchers in the fridge (if you like cold water). When you finish one fill it up again but place it in the fridge behind the cooler one. This way you always have a cold pitcher of water ready
- Cool and flavor your water: frozen fruits (berries or citrus wedges for example) can be a great addition to you water
- Other delicious flavor enhancing ideas: mint, cucumber, lime, lemon, grapefruit, orange, and grapes sliced in half- fresh or frozen (grapes are really delicious to eat frozen by the way)
Aiming to have around 8 cups of water a day is a good goal (and more than that in hot weather or with increased activity). To know if you are drinking enough water, a good marker is clear urine by lunch time. If it’s not clear, time to drink some more! Enjoy the heat with great hydration!