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Monday, October 17, 2011

Media DOES Influence- how does media influence YOU?

Last week we examined the confusion that media headlines and stories can create. Specifically, we referred to headlines regarding a recent study published in the Lancet at the end of August: Quantification of the effect of energy imbalance on bodyweight.

This week, we want you to take a personal look into how media influences you and your path of behavior change. Why are we doing this? We are all inundated with information. Whether it is true or false material, it surrounds us daily. What we desire, is for you to recognize how to be amidst all the input around you without it negatively impacting your progress of cultivating lasting behavior change.

What do we mean by negative impact? Let’s revisit from last week some of the story headlines about the study above:

Wow! Fail? How much will you really lose? This is unfair? We don’t know about you, but while we’re trying to make lasting change, these are the last headlines we want to be influenced by. Here are some of the thoughts we see infiltrate people’s minds from headlines like these:

-          “It’s unfair. I just got the short end of the stick... Oh well, there is nothing I can do about it...”
-          “I feel like I am failing at this; I fail at everything.”
-          “I am never going to lose this weight!”
-          “Is this really worth all the effort?”
-          “If I haven’t seen the scale budge now, it never will.”

Hmmm…all these thoughts have a common thread: fear, lies, more fear, and feeling defeated. The interesting part is- what changed? We can go from enjoying the progress we have made to suddenly feeling fear and defeat from seeing one headline! There you have it: nothing has changed except our feelings (which are completely valid but do not need to fuel thoughts and actions). No action has been taken and yet all the sudden we are on the verge of giving up, retracting our progress, and not believing in ourselves?! This is a prime example of how our underlying thoughts can be so powerful and we don’t even realize it!

In becoming more aware of how media influences you, be discerning of hoopla headlines, seek credible guidance from dietitians who are the nutrition experts, and continue on your current path of progress.

We hope you find our next few blogs helpful as we continue sifting through the content of this current study. At the same time, keep the big picture in focus; remember, your foundations are paving the way to your future and creating peace with food.