Happy Holidays Everyone! Tis the season for parties, family get-togethers, gift giving and all the food and emotions that tag along. Here are a few pointers for keeping yourself sane this month.
1. Remember the PLATE MODEL: this tool will keep you focused no matter where on earth you are enjoying that meal. Plate Model Handout
2. Check In With Yourself EACH day: Feeling more intense emotions is common around this time of year. Ask yourself these questions periodically to keep yourself in balance: How am I feeling? What do I need? Am I eating because I'm emotionally hungry or because my body needs fuel right now?
3. Give Yourself a Pep Talk: Negative self talk that includes lots of should statements or comparing yourself with others can damage your confidence and self esteem. Consider a quote, scripture verse, or your own mantra that you can tell yourself when you notice that you are putting yourself down and trying hard to be "perfect."
4. Plan for the Unexpected: When doing your meal planning for the week, consider adding in 1 or 2 emergency meal and snack ideas to keep in the freezer and cupboard for those nights that you won't feel up for cooking or in case your holiday shopping takes longer than expected.
5. Move Your Body in Healthy & Supportive Ways: Feeling more stress during this time will take a toll on on anybody. De-stress by adding gentle stretches and deep breaths into your day either when you wake up or right before bed. Honor your body by acknowledging when it calls you to move more and when it tells you to slow down. If over-exercising is a concern, ask your medical team for guidelines and support to find the right balance.